So you may be wondering, “What is she even doing while on world race?” or maybe you’re not but I am going to tell you anyways
I will try to make this short
While in Nicaragua we are doing a much of different ministries. Here is what a “normal” day has looked like for me and my team. (I put normal in quotations since normal is kinda objective here)
5 AM – yup 5 in the morning! While the sun isn’t up, my team is! We start our days with 2 hours of prayer and time with God. If you know me you know I don’t like mornings, so this was hard at first. But I have learned to appreciate this time with God.
7-8 AM – This is our time to take a nice morning shower and get ready for the day.
8 AM – Breakfast! We have learned to enjoy and even look forward to our morning rice, beans, and eggs even while it is widely different from a traditional American breakfast. However, I skip out on the eggs and give them to Emma (one of my teammates who LOVES eggs). I am very thankful for her, and not just for eating my eggs.
8:30 or 9 AM – Morning devo! This is my favorite part of the day. Our ministry host leads a 1-2 hour devotional every morning. We dive DEEP into scripture.
9-4 PM we spend our day doing ministry. Ministry for us has included prayer walks in the nearby neighborhoods, prayer walks through the farm we are staying at, farm work, cooking in the kitchen, praying for patients at a local hospital, and serving food and teaching at one of the dumps in town. I have learned so much from each ministry and have met a lot of lovely people in the process. One person is Alejandro! He is employed by the ministry we are working with and leads a small community group I have started attending. He has taught me a lot about the culture, has pushed me to use my rusty Spanish, and has a scripture memorized for every occasion. He represents a life devoted to God and has encouraged me as well as his community to walk as Jesus did while on the earth. I’ll digress, but will most likely share more about him in a later blog post.
Oh and lunch! Can’t forget about 12 o’clock lunch and ice cream!
4 PM – afternoon book study. Our ministry host has had us ready two books while here. Slavery to Sonship by Jack and Trisha Frost and Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund.
5 PM – dinner!! Yay!
6 PM – Team time! Our team of 20 is divided into two smaller groups, so we spend a few hours in the evening debriefing and sharing testimonies as those smaller groups.
8 ish PM – BEDTIME! I pop some melatonin and hit the hay! And by hay I mean my bunk bed in my room shared by 15 others. (I’ll be honest, it’s been a struggle. My little introvert battery can only go so far).
So that’s my life currently! I’m sorry i didn’t really make it short.
I love reading about your day! It’s very similar to what Brandon and I each did when we went away on retreats…. Esp the early morning part- not easy but such a good way to start the day.
Can’t wait to hear more. Xoxo
Definitely hard but rewarding! Requires some extra coffee too 😆